Steak house Preshow

Under the name steakhouse, you expect a proper place full of meat and steaks. Steak house Preshow is exactly like that! It does not allow any compromise of tired combinations of different cuisines. Meat plays a major role here and is really prepared in different ways. The grilled steaks in particular are fantastic. They are perfectly complemented by sauces excellently chosen by the chef, and here you can also find specialties in the form of homemade killer soup or mushroom risotto with parmesan and pork tenderloin, which we really liked. You must not miss the Bavarian roasted smoked knee and the ranger steak, prepared using the sous vide method. The metal and wood dominating the interior will only set you in the right ranch mood until you can’t wait for your next visit.
Na Tablách 1 ,
080 06
Prešov–Nižná Šebastová
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English
Basic menu

18 €
Gurmán menu

49 €
tím kuchárov
Veal tomahawk steak prepared on charcoal with clarified butter and demi glace sauce
Červené suché – MALBEC ESCORIHUELA – argentínske


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