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Lokál Bistro

Lokál Bistro is a new gastronomic concept in the center of Dunajská Streda in the newly opened Gradus Residence complex. The interior is modern and furnished in a minimalist style, where wood and the play of lights and shadows prevail, thus creating a pleasant atmosphere. The concept of this bistro is based on quality and fresh ingredients that come from local sources and are carefully selected by chef Michal Matovič. On the menu you will find classic recipes in a truly traditional style, because such a tomato soup made of roasted tomatoes and garlic with Parmesan smelled and tasted even better than at home. Grilled toothfish on garlic with lemon and dill, truffle mash and roasted Hokkaido pumpkin also impressed. The staff is attentive and enthusiastic about recommending local wines or selections from around the world to accompany your meals.
Biskupa Kondého 179,
929 01
Dunajská Streda
Special restaurant
Modern restaurant
Payment: VISA, MasterCard
Languages: English, Hungarian
Basic menu

33 €
Juraj Richter (owner), Michal Matovič (chef)
Slow-roasted breast of young pheasant, stuffed with homemade bacon, roasted pumpkin puree, rosehip sauce and homemade crispy croquettes
Világi winery Cabernet Sauvignon rosé


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