They opened just before the second wave of covid and it was certainly not easy at all. However, with honest work and an interesting offer, they managed to find a loyal clientele that spread the rumors about Bistronomy. Gourmets in this pleasantly furnished small restaurant with a capacity of 28 people found an atmosphere of friendship and collective spirit that radiates from the entire staff and can be seen directly in the passionate cooks in the open kitchen under the leadership of creative chef Martin Miklošík. “We offer you what we enjoy,” says Martin Miklošík, who will convince you that even local classics with a little innovation can surprise. Just try their truffle grenadier or catfish paprikash, for example. In the wine list you will find around 150 wines, and they also offer really high-quality wines by the bottle. Of course, there is an experienced sommelier who will advise you on the selection. Exactly as it should be in a good restaurant.
Einsteinova 33,
851 01
Premium restaurant
Modern restaurant
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English
Basic menu

25 €
Gurmán menu

45 €
Martin Miklošík
Truffle grenadier
Pinot Blanc Impression, Pivnica Brhlovce


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