Satori fusion restaurant

The restaurant is located in the city center and is furnished in a moderate, modern, yet elegant style typical of fusion restaurants. Fusion presented by the Satori restaurant combines the ingredients and methods of traditional Asian cuisine and modern world gastronomy in such a way that you get the strongest possible experience. Juicy steaks and excellent sushi form the basis of the menu. They will also prepare a typical Hawaiian poke dish in several variants, as well as delicious noodles in different ways. Get advice from a sushi master like us during our visit and try, for example, the spicy ginger-coconut soup with tom yum prawns, the excellent Satori Exclusiv Roll sushi rolls and for dessert the famous passion fruit cake. After a quality lunch, we enjoyed a sip of fragrant Japanese tea and a glass of homemade lemonade. We recommend a visit to the Satori restaurant to everyone who will pass by Nitra, because it is really worth going here for lunch or dinner.
Štúrova 12 ,
949 01
Special restaurant
Modern restaurant
Payment: Visa, Master card, Maestro
Languages: English, Hungarian
Basic menu

22 €
Gurmán menu

45 €
Lucia Pokorná (manager)
Slices of fresh tuna on mango cream with sesame oil and kizame wasabi
French white wine Domaine Christian Moreau CHABLIS


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