Pivnica u zlatej husi
The family restaurant Pivnica u zlatej husi, has been known for many years for its excellent goose. Their oven-roasted geese, homemade traditional flat bread, but especially the legendary roasted goose liver are slowly becoming a cultural heritage. In recent years, however, it has distanced itself from the local “classics” and added something extra, which has already raised the restaurant among the gourmet elite. They fine-tuned their interior to make guests more comfortable, and mainly started offering other dishes, albeit traditional recipes, but in a modern way. The wine shop, which focuses on small winemakers, mainly from the Carpathians, is also excellent. Of course, we couldn’t resist the temptation of goose, but we also varied it with foie gras terrine with truffle, caramelized fig, ice wine jelly, cranberry sauce and baguette, pork cheeks on ERB dark beer with celery puree and bacon chips and for dessert we couldn’t forgive ourselves the homemade potato slush with walnuts. This is how we envision a restaurant with regional specialties in a modern presentation of our Slovak cuisine.
Pezinská 2 ,
900 26
Slovenský Grob
- +421 905 759 763, 0915 993 532
- pivnica@zlatahus.sk
- www.zlatahus.sk
- mon-16:00-23:00, tue-sat 11:30-22:00, sun-11:30-17:00
Payment: Mastercard, Visa, Maestro
Languages: English, German, Hungarian, Ukrainian
Basic menu
38 €
38 €
Gurmán menu
73 €
73 €
Dana Kisslingová in cooperation with the Filipom Macákom a Jakubom Čuperkom
Veal loin (sous vide) in pistachio dressing with Violet queen potato puree and alibernet sauce.
Alibernet Karpatská perla r.2015, Terina
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