Doma u nás

The Doma u nás restaurant is located in a beautifully renovated historical building on perhaps the most beautiful square in Slovakia – in Spišská Sobota, which is part of Poprad. The restaurant forms a harmoniously designed whole, ideal for relaxation, distraction of the senses and a space where they offer a unique atmosphere. Even if you have no idea what the menu will contain, you can be sure that it will be creatively and amazingly well-matched, composed mainly of local ingredients with respect to the season. We can’t single out a particular dish because they were all delicious and together they formed one harmonious series of flavors to continue until you’re sad to see it end. Make reservations for this great restaurant in advance, it is often sold out.
Sobotské nám. 27,
058 01
Spišská Sobota
Premium restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English, German, Norwegian, Spanish
Basic menu

35 €
Gurmán menu

149 €
Gabriel Kocák – chef
Roe deer-sour cherry- condensed milk
Alexander Arbogast – Gewurztraminer 2018


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