Dolnozemská krčma, Bratislava

So, in the true sense of the word, it is not a pub at all. It is an interesting restaurant, the basis of which is home cooking based on traditional family recipes from the Low lands. This gastronomic concept was created in 2016 in one of the oldest buildings from the 14th century on Panská Street in Bratislava, focusing on traditions in a new guise with products from local suppliers and small growers. The food is delicious and really classic. The recipes were painstakingly collected by the owner and sommelier in one, Zlatko Roskoš. He himself selected and recommends quality wines and spirits from the Lower and Upper land (regionl names for former parts od Austro-Hungaria). It will really please even demanding guests. In addition, he also preserved the tradition of tapping classic Belgian beers. According to the price-quality ratio, this company is one of the best in Bratislava.
Panská 7 ,
811 01
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: Mastercard, Visa
Languages: English, German, Russian
Basic menu

25 €
Gurmán menu

39 €
Tibor Weiss (chef), Dušan Zlatko Roskoš (owner)
Lowland sarma, recommended side dish: Homemade bread
Riesling Rínsky, Veľký Vrch 2015, Juhoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť, Šútovo, Šikula & Borároš


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