Zuckmann Villa

Zuckmann Villa is located in the heart of Piešťany at the end of the pedestrian zone and was built in the 18th century as a town house for the family of the Jewish merchant Zuckmann. Currently, it offers excellent cuisine in the restaurant, pleasant sitting in the rum bar and above-standard accommodation in tastefully furnished rooms. The interior of the restaurant, in a combination of brick and wood, evokes a pleasant warm feeling in the guest. The menu is made up of international cuisine and you will find Slovak classics here, but also dishes with a hint of Far Asia. They are all very well done and taste exactly as they should. That is why a visit to Zuckmann Villa is always a sure stop for all gourmets.
Winterova 1775/56,
921 01
Premium restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: VISA, MasterCard
Languages: English, French
Basic menu

15 €
Gurmán menu

25 €
Marián Čapák, Mário Plank, Andrea Plank (chefs)
Teriyaki udon noodles with vegetables and beef
Frankovka modrá, Velkeer Privat 2021, Veľký Kýr, Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť


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