TERRA Jasová
Pension TERRA is located in the village of Jasová in the south of Slovakia, only 15 km from Nové Zámky. It offers its guests rich regional agrotourism services, a gastronomic experience in its own farm restaurant and cozy accommodation in a beautiful environment. They have a riding unit on the farm grounds and also offer the possibility of hunting in their own area or fishing in the nearby area. They grow almost all their vegetables on the farm and also raise most of the animals whose meat is offered in this restaurant. At the TERRA restaurant, the “farm to table” principle literally applies. The selection is always subject to the season and this is the main advantage of the restaurant, you can always expect seasonal and fresh products here. The restaurant gained considerable credit and also appealed to our evaluators, who after their visit recommended it to Gurmán in Slovakia.
Jasová 736,
- 0945 449 061
- info@terrajasova.sk
- www.terrajasova.sk
- mon-tue 11:00 - 14:00, wed-sun 11:00 - 20:00
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English, Hungarian
Basic menu
40 €
40 €
Gurmán menu
50 €
50 €
Anton Mészaroš – chef
Tartare in bread chips
Rizling vlašský VELKEER
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