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Sushihanil restaurant in Žilina is a good choice for fans of Japanese cuisine. It is furnished in a typically minimalist style in the style of Japanese sushi bars. The menu is also traditional and includes various types of sushi, fish, shrimp, miso soup, gyoza and ramen, but they have also expanded the menu to include interesting dishes from other Asian cuisines such as pho bo, tom yum or poke bowl. As a newcomer to this year’s Winter Food Festival, they impressed with their menu consisting of Japanese gyoza dumplings filled with our bryndza, seasoned with teriyaki truffle sauce. The second course was crispy duck with teriyaki plum sauce and plum gel, served with jasmine rice and marinated chicory, the last course was a delicious Japanese fish broth with slices of fresh fish with hijiki seaweed and sesame. Sushihanil is definitely worth a small detour from your trip and a visit will leave you with many gourmet experiences.
010 01
Special restaurant
Modern restaurant
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

14.40 €
Gurmán menu

39 €
Ján Kontroš, Miroslav Krupa, Ivan Káčerík
Tuna Tataki, Torino karage a sushi set grande
Steinmauer burgunder – KORREL cuveé prestige


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