Brasserie La Marine

What is the characteristic of Brasserie La Marine? Cozy, stylish, romantic? Surely more adjectives could be found for her. This restaurant on the banks of the Danube in the Eurovea shopping complex has a special charm. If you are looking for a place where you can remember the atmosphere of a holiday by the sea, a breeze on the coast, you are in the right place. Brasserie La Marine welcomes you with open seating outside right on the Danube promenade. However, the covered terrace allows you to sit and enjoy the atmosphere by the water even on sunny days. The menu is not extensive, the basis is dishes from the land of the Gallic rooster, but you will find here not only traditional French onions, coq au vin or mussels in white wine, but also other Mediterranean dishes and a bit of Asian exoticism. If you visit the restaurant during the week, you can enjoy the updated daily menu and seasonal products during the season.
Pribinova 8,
811 09
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: all except AMEX and Diners
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

22.7 €
Gurmán menu

46.7 €
Marek Bielčík & Marko Boczek
Grilled sea bream with roasted potatoes and grilled vegetables
Bourgogne Blanc, Cuvée Oligocéne, Patrick Javillier 2012


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