Restaurant Belene – Chateau Gbeľany

In a beautifully renovated mansion in the village of Gbeľany, located near Žilina, we also discovered a very good kitchen under the leadership of the skilled chef Zdenko Kramarčík. The castle restaurant Belene is furnished in a modern style, where wood in its natural color dominates the interior. The restaurant also offers interesting event barbecues and experiential picnics in the beautiful area of the mansion. I was interested in the menu and in particular the leek soup with gorgonzola and maple syrup and the main course pearl barley seasoned with herbs and anise, drizzled with demi glace and served with beetroot. I enjoyed it very much and I warmly recommend gourmets to visit not only the Belene restaurant, but also to stay a few days in the mansion and take a few trips to the surrounding beautiful nature of Mala Fatra or to Kysuca.
Hlavná 140,
013 02
Gbeľany pri Žiline
Hotel restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English
Basic menu

28.30 €
Gurmán menu

49.70 €
Zdenko Kramarčík – executive Chef, Richard Svrček – chef
Rizling rýnsky, Rariga


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